Bekah Angoff

IG: @heybangarang

Location: Boston, Massachusetts

Certified: 11/5/23

Current role: Director of Procurement, Wulf’s Fish

Most meaningful oyster: The Quonnie Rock. It’s my favorite flavor in the entire oyster world for its intense brine with notes of granite and limestone.

Favorite oyster to shuck: A Harpswell Flat. It’s a challenge to shuck, but the most rewarding work.

Dream oyster destination: Galway, Ireland.

Proudest oyster accomplishments:

  1. The creation of the Pangea Shellfish tasting wheel

  2. Being at the helm of the shellfish program at Wulf’s

  3. Being able to represent more women in aquaculture at the distribution level

What’s your favorite thing about being an OMG member: The opportunity to learn! I have been working with shellfish for the last ten years and I have only scratched the surface. Bring on the nerd stuff!!!


Pat Walls


Michael-Ann Rowe