Cody Fitzpatrick

IG: @codyfitz35

Location: Corpus Christi, Texas, United States

Certified: 4/12/23

Current role: Executive Sous Chef/ Director of Research and Development

Most meaningful oyster: La Maison BeauSoleil, they hold a special place in my heart because it was my late brother's favorite.

Favorite oyster to shuck: European Flat, or Matagorda Pearl out of Matagorda Bay, TX.

Dream oyster destination: Australia, or France!

Proudest oyster accomplishments to date: Hitting my first 100k oysters shucked.

Favorite thing about being an OMG member: Being able to have a community of like-minded individuals who want to help make this world better, one shuck at a time!!!


Cath Peachey


Virginia Shaffer